Is physical attraction important?

Urban dictionary defines ‘attraction’ as being hooked on to someone or something that is appealing and nice to look at. Read on ahead as in this post we’ll be talking a lot more on ‘physical attraction’ and whether it really matters.

Consider a list of characteristics while looking for a mate; humor, intellect, loyalty, good looks & understanding. Ranking these would be an easy task for most, also surprisingly in comparison good looks wouldn’t have an iota chance of winning amidst all the other stated features right?

But then If you’re really looking into dating someone, don’t you think you need to feel physically attracted to them?

This really got me thinking, do looks really matter?

Am I being too superficial or plain picky? Is physical attraction from both sides really important? Do I need to necessarily find my future partner attractive or is it just another baseless checkbox to look into? The answer isn’t so simple.


Physical attraction at first sight

We’ve all had moment’s in our life’s when we look at someone and snap in split seconds make a judgment based on their physical features.  Yes, our brain has this mode, wherein you automatically make an impulsive decision on any individual solely based on looks! We unconsciously do make an internal checklist of sorts when you see someone you like, and “physical attraction” does come in that list. TO all the individuals out there who say “No, I don’t judge anyone based on looks, I fall for guys/girls that are smart/kind/loyal” Darlings, you would only approach that guy/girl in the first place when you found them attractive in your standards, otherwise how else would you presume that they’re ‘smart’ or ‘loyal’.

If you notice in the above para, I used the phrase “attractive in your standards”

Now what do I mean by that; obviously when I first said the words “physical attraction” you would assume that I’m only talking about those ripped hunks oozing with masculinity and a high dosage of male chauvinism or in the guys case a girl who strikes a great chord with her feminine features… etc. (you get the point) But that’s not all that comes to mind when I think of physical attraction, I personally like my men tall, strong, cool with a dash of lime zest, shaken not stirred. Now another individuals sense of attractive beauty might be completely different than mine. Sure we ogle at every possible amazing creation but in our hearts we know what to really look for in a potential mate.

To put it in simple terms, we’re all just on the lookout for someone we find attractive enough to suit our needs. You don’t need to search for a supermodel, but if that’s your preference then by all means go for it, because at the end of it we are just trying to find an individual that matches our personal level of physical attractiveness.

It’s not always a win-win scenario

Physical attraction can surely guarantee an individual a series of people who want to converse with them and get to know them better. But here’s the deal the first impression solely based on looks aren’t enough to carry forward any relationship. In other words; the tables can be turned, impressions can change & newer judgments can be formed.

I bet you’ve come across a situation where you strike a conversation with this gentleman/ lady and meanwhile your brain is making this fine list of things that you should consider, oh wait he’s not intellectual (strike one), hmm doesn’t seem to be committed (strike 2) and oh, he hates The Beatles (strike 3) and you’re out! So now your brain weighs the pros and cons; pros he’s so good looking, cons; I can’t date him because I don’t feel compatible with him. Would you still be into this gentleman? Highly unlikely.

There will also be times when the initial attraction is there but it ain’t that strong, but then you get to know the person, you delve in much deeper and actually you truly start believing in those rom-coms where the underdog always gets the girl, while the jock watches them move on to their ‘happily ever after’.

Sure these movies are exaggerated versions of reality, but there’s one truth to it, personal attraction can only hold up to a level but inner beauty as cliché as it sounds helps develop the relationship so much more. That being said chemistry and physical attraction needs to seriously be considered, find an individual that meets your standards of attraction, don’t settle for less just because you feel like you’re being obnoxious but at the same time be honest &  realistic to yourself about what you’re looking for in a potential mate.

You need substance to support your sexy chemistry.

My only excuse for coming up with the content of this post is that I’m a realist by about 80% so yes I might sound awfully obnoxious and straightforward. This my dear friends is indeed the ugly truth, so I ain’t sparing no opinions and I hope that you’ve read it with an open and understanding mind. By all means, I totally understand if your thoughts aren’t the same as mine, I’d love to hear your take on this matter so comment below!!

All my love,


8 thoughts on “Is physical attraction important?

  1. The first thing I remember here is the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
    I do have standards in beauty, but more than the face, I look more into the hands (the more beautiful it is, the better! And also better if he’s left-handed) But the face is also important to me. I preferred fair skinned guys, and taller than average. I look for features that are lacking in me. I’m pretty fair-skinned, but not that much, so I want someone fairer, and I’m not really tall, just average. I look for these physical features because in case we’re going to have kids, my children would have chances of getting good genes (funny, but yeah, that’s how I process it)
    People often tell me that if I fall in love, these things wouldn’t matter, but still somewhere within my subconscious, I consider the physical features of a person because I want good genes for my kids.

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  2. ravish raj

    I read this and I Google how-to-be-physically-attractive and Google says exercise exercise and get to a duckin salon wear according to vogue get rich and exercise and error 404 file not found so I give up and tell myself that BEAUTY IS AN INNER CONCEPT. 😂
    (But deep down I want to be the Tom Cruise Guy. 😂😂)

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